Tuesday, 25 January 2011

12-P2-31 Final Production Plan

Starts in an empty room.
There are pictures, maps and post-it notes all over the room.
There's a table in the middle
Production team's names (credits) on various objects, like the post-it notes. The character circles then names in order to relate them to the narrative.
Contrapuntal sound which directly contrasts the narrative. For example: Resevoir Dogs (skip to 1:26)

Our thriller genre will be a Psychological crime thriller. Film examples of this are:
No Country For Old Men

A film similar to ours in narrative and theme is "One Hour Photo"

The way that the photos are featured as a main aspect to the narrative is similar to ours.

Our  Location was not going to be somewhere in which the general public would be able to access. It would be a private room in someone's house as it would feel more personal. We were thinking of using Lily's front room as there is enough space on the walls to put up post-it notes, maps, letters etc. to convey the setting the main character looking for someone else.

As the main character circles names on the notes, or puts pins in the map, there will be a sudden flashback. This would leave questions for the audience and would be the only time in the entire sequence where we would show different characters who would be explained later on in the film.

Set Plan:

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