Wednesday, 12 January 2011

12-P231 Psycological Thriller Conventions

Title 1: Donnie Darko

 In this film the narrative surrounds Donnie's psychological state and his imaginary friend, Donnie is also schizophrenic and sees a personified bunny which tells him to do things, finally Donnie must take pills which is an obvious sign of his deteriorating mental state and must change the past

Title 2: Law Abiding Citizen

In this trailer we see the character is loosing control and enters a spiral of revenge, various imagery is used to show the characters mental state, for example at the end he is shown engulfed in powerful flames, possibly representing his 'Inner Rage' additionally the narrative is first person and the character refers to himself as "I" multiple times, for example "I'll bring the system down on your head"

Title 3: Phone Booth

In this trailer the main character is given a chance to repent his sins, he does not choose this however, it is thrust upon him by a deranged killer, the visuals in this title are mostly dark and red which could symbolise blood and an unsettling frame of mind, finally the character is forced to confess everything to the people closet to him and uses a first person narrative.

Tom, Joe, Esther, Laura, Lily

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