Wednesday, 19 January 2011

12P2-31 Music Sequence Evaluation

To evaluate, we constructed our music sequence in this way because we we're inspired by the theme tune to 'The Exorcist", it has an eerie atmosphere yet a memorable tune which audiences can relate even years down the line, we feel in our sequence we acheived a similar effect, using a piano focus track and building tension upon it with very quiet background sounds, hard to notice individually but subconsciously noticeable to the listener in the overall project.

Video: Exorcist Theme Tune

In conclusion, we feel our tune was successful in creating the tense theme needed to convey the thriller genre effectively, we also feel by having a quieter end with a 'Lonely Piano' the listener will become 'engulfed' by the piece.

Joe, Esther,Laura,Tom,Lilly

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